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Our mission is “to help people shine”.

Signature is a training company specialised in human communication.


Communication is no doubt the most important skill in one’s life. Understanding people better, building sustainable relations with others and being able to express oneself well are important skills that open doors to success, both in professional and private life.


At Signature, we define ourselves as “training designers” and design 100% tailor-made training programs for our clients. This is what makes us different.

We have a practical and result-oriented approach: Our departure point is always our client's needs.

Being flexible and agile in training design and delivery allow us to develop the most suitable programs for our clients and answer their needs fully.


We are proud to have an exciting 92% returning client ratio and to be a genuine learning and development partner for our clients.


Since Signature's launch in 2011, we have competed several successful projects in Europe, which also were great learning opportunities for us.

We have also met great people on the way. The positive feedback and the words of appreciation we receive for the impact we make in their lives are a priceless source of pride and happiness for us.

Looking for a facilitator?

For exceptional facilitation services, check Signature's sister brand, Collaï's website! 

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© Signature Communication 2019-2023. All rights reserved. 

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